Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


Next week we will have an opportunity for you to attend our #1 Cornerstone Class: Membership.  Our Cornerstone classes are designed to clearly and concisely outline who Quest is (#1), who you are (Cornerstone #2), how you can fit who you are into who Quest is (Cornerstone #3),  and how you can be a servant leader in the ministry of Quest (Cornerstone #4).

The first step is #1…Membership. This two hour class is designed to make sure you know who Quest is in heart and history.  Then you can decide if you want to be a member or not.  At the end of process there are simply three qualifications to be a voting member of Quest: 1) a personal commitment to and belief in Jesus Christ as the only satisfactory payment for our sin and therefore the rightful owner of your life; 2) an intentional willingness to invest your time, talents and treasures in the ministries of Quest for the glory of God; and 3) with good conscience embrace both the Doctrinal Statement and Membership Expectations outlined during the class.

Therefore, membership at Quest is very different than joining a health club.  As long as you pay your dues at the health club you can utilize it’s facility any time you want, or as little as you would like.  In fact, you don’t have to go at all if you don’t want to.  You don’t have to go, you don’t have to talk to people, you don’t have to do anything except pay your dues.

At Quest we want to be a family.  It is all about relationships and connectedness.  It is all about participating and ownership.  It is all about seeking the Lord together, honoring Him together, and loving one another.  Membership therefore is a big deal…..not so you have your name on the roster but because you are driving a stake in the ground and saying that you are going to ‘covenant’ with the group of people through the up’s and down’s of life as a ‘church family’.  Like any family there are great times as well as tough times.  Through it all a family supports one another, speaks truth to one another, and work out their differences.

So, if you have an interest in deepening your understanding of Quest, where we are grounded and where we are going, in order for you to evaluate whether you want to tie yourself to us please sign up at the ministry table next Sunday so we can prepare to help you.  

