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Meet Mike Tackes: Our Newest Elder Candidate

Hello to my Friends in Christ,
I am both excited and humbled to answer the call to be an Elder in our Church.  The past 9 months have been an interesting journey in the study of God’s word, diving deeply into what is means to be an Elder.  I look forward to an opportunity to honor God’s will and the decision of those that have prayed and sought His will about this.
I love my relationship with the Lord and the many He has brought into my life during my walk for so many years.
I was born and raised here is St. Louis, more specifically in University City, where my father was with the police department for 42 years.  My mother, a nurse, worked at Deaconess Hospital, St. Mary’s Hospital and finally at St. Luke’s helping to deliver and take care of newborns.  I was raised in a loving family of faith.  Dad was Catholic.  Mom was Protestant and chose to raise us in St. Paul’s United Church of Christ at Warson and Olive (now St. Paul’s Evangelical Free Church).  This is where I was Baptized and Confirmed into faith.  I attended the University of Missouri – St. Louis receiving a business degree with an emphasis in Accounting and Math.  Upon graduation, I worked for Peat, Marwick Mitchell, Now KPMG as an Auditor of Banks, Savings and Loans and Brokerage firms.  My career transitioned to Executive Search and then in Sales where I’ve been for more than 30 years.
During college and early career life I was not as grounded in my faith, experiencing more worldly life.  In 1989 I fell in love with and married an awesome gift He brought into my life, my wife now of nearly 29 years Kimberly Rene Tackes.
In 1991 the Lord decided it was time for men to come into my life that would bring me into relationship with Him.  I accepted Christ at the age of 33 and my walk has been nothing short of amazing.  Many times I have stopped to see and reflect on the work He has done in my life.
The rock of my existence is my relationship with the Lord and God’s word.
I have had so many, by the grace of God, pour their lives into mine.  It is time for me to give back and honor the call.  I love building relationships.
I look forward to serving at Quest as an Elder and meeting more of you soon.
In Christ,
Mike Tackes