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Making Room

During this year’s Christmas season, we are focusing on the theme of “Making Room.”  At a time when we can get very busy with all the ‘stuff’ to get done and to attend, it can be challenging to make room for some of the really important things of life.  It is especially troubling since the heart of Christmas is not really about all that ‘stuff’ anyway.  Unfortunately, when Christ is minimized, we fill the season with other things.  Many times those other things do not actually satisfy the deepest longings of our souls.  As a result, we experience a poverty in the midst of what looks like abundance.  It can be a very awkward and discombobulating experience.

On the other hand, when we make room for the important things, we can experience a rich and abundant journey throughout the season.  The lights, the food, the music, the gifts… they are all fun, but the people are more important.  The beauty, the creativity, the thoughtfulness, the silence… they are all valuable, but God’s presence in our midst is more profound.  The conflict, the disappointment, the loss, the pain… they are all real, but forgiveness can erase their sting.  The stuff, the busyness, the blessings, the enjoyment… they are all temporary, but the Savior is permanent.

So, therefore, what now?  In the midst of all the ’stuff’ in the season make room for other, make room for the unexpected, make room for forgiveness, make room for God.