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King’s Kids Camp

Last week, a group of 4th-8th grade students from Quest Kids and Quest Students had an amazing time at summer camp! We went to King’s Kids Camp at Camp Wartburg in Illinois, which is put on by a group of 3 other EFCA churches in St. Louis (St. Paul’s, Bethesda, and Christ Community). It was a great week to see God working in the lives of young people in our churches!

This was our first time going to King’s Kids Camp and we made a lot of new friends as we spent time discussing God’s word, worshipping God, playing games, doing crafts, swimming, running, dancing, eating, and (some) sleeping. We spent the week studying the prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, and Haggai) and it was really encouraging to see the relevance of their messages for our lives today. God’s power, holiness, and grace were on display all week as we saw how God is at work in the world and how the messages of the prophets point us to Jesus Christ and his saving power through his death and resurrection.

One of our favorite parts about camp week was the evening services each night where we would worship together and then hear testimonies from the camp counselors. Story after story helped us to see what God’s grace does in people’s lives and how He meets us where we are, no matter what circumstances we may be going through. It was really powerful to hear, every night, about how God has walked with His people through great times as well as the really challenging, confusing and painful times. All of this highlighted who Jesus is and what it means for us to follow Him as Lord and Savior. We had a number of students at camp decide to put their faith in Christ for the first time or to recommit their lives to following Christ. It was an incredible joy to be a part of this!

Here is a link to our camp video for King’s Kids Camp 2019:

Thank you for all your prayers and support to make camp happen!
