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Keeping Focus on our Foci

Dear Questers,

As we enter into the last laps of 2020, I want to join the rest of our leadership in informing and reminding you of the three things we have determined to be the needed elements for us to focus on this coming year.  These three items are not outlandish and could very well be the things we could focus on every year, however these three have a sense of importance for us as we endeavor to be faithful to the call that God has on Quest as it is planted here in West St. Louis County.  We invite you to embrace and engage these important foci with us.

The first focus is that of CONNECTIONS:  among all the powerful results of the global pandemic, political rancor, and civil unrest in our country isolation / disconnectedness is one of the most significant.  These societal struggles have been difficult for everybody.  That is clearly an understatement.  Usually we navigate difficulties in life by circling up with trusted friends and neighbors who support each other.  Unfortunately, people have (on the most part) been more isolated and disconnected from those valued comrades.  As a result, we either slowly, or sometimes quickly, self-destruct.  We are designed to be connected to others for the mutual benefit of one another.  Therefore I want to encourage you to not get sucked into isolation. Get connected.  We will do all we can to provide places for you to connect with others, but we can not anticipate nor provide everything you might need.  Take the initiative to build ‘community’ as you can and as you need.  It is critically important for everyone’s well being.

The second focus is that of EVANGELISM:  I cannot think of a more important time than now to be bold in sharing the hope we have in Christ with a world that is in disarray.  Jesus looked at the world around Him with compassion as He recognized that they were like wondering sheep who had no protective and caring shepherd.  We live at a time when people are in search of answers to profoundly important questions.  People want to reform things that are wrong.  The world wants to fix that which is broken.  People are tired of what looks to be antiquated.  People want something new.  I think we would all agree with those who ache for something more.  Therefore, I pray that we would all see the world like Jesus sees it.  May we have compassion for those around us.  They are in search of the something that will fill the void that plagues our daily experience.  Christ claims to be the only one who can reach the corners of our despair.  He is the light that penetrates the darkness.  And the awesome call for all of us is to be the light of the world along with Him.  Wow!!!  May we humbly, but confidently, let the Spirit of Christ lead us and fill us to love like He would have us love.

The third focus is that of  OWNERSHIP / LEADERSHIP:  With all the challenges that a church faces and are magnified in the days in which we live, there is far to much that needs to happen without having everyone having a sense of responsibility to be and do what God has uniquely designed you to be and do.  We are simply pioneering through life together. Everyone is needed.  Everyone is essential.  Especially now in the the midst of such upheaval, we need to exhibit being faithful and full of faith that the Lord will use this body of believers for the honor of His kingdom.  Therefore be confident in knowing that you are a key member of the team and you are needed on the field.  One of my favorite short articles ever is titled FREEDOM UNDER THE WORD.  It is attached below for you to read at your leisure, but I encourage you to read it… it is fantastic.

In brief, those are the three things we want to focus on this year… will you join us in the growth of our ministry?  We will do better together!!!



One Comment

  1. Kathy Groh Canby

    “Freedom Under the Word” is such a remarkable article! I watch “Wagon Train” and I read John Eldredge; both depict such “wild” depictions of life with Jesus… an adventure unlike any other and a “sacred romance” where God calls us to set out with him on an unknown, ultimately glorious journey. I pray my faith and courage are up to the trip!

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