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Inconvenience or Altercation

We are in the midst of global pandemic.  Sometimes it is hard to get my mind around it.  It seems to have involved more of the world than anything else has in my lifetime.  That may prove to be true or not, only time will tell.  But for now, this is huge.

When Covid-19 began to rudely invade, what seemed to be my safe and controlled life, I generally saw it as an inconvenience that would last a relatively short amount of time.  Unprecedented?…yes… but still an inconvenience that I hoped would not effect me or those I know and love.  Flu-like? …yes… but I am generally accustomed and familiar with the flu and its inconvenience among us.

Then this viral illness began to spread and impact places around the globe at levels that was hard for me to fathom.  It seems so inappropriate for the world I would prefer.  This novel coronavirus is an unwelcomed and uninvited attender at the party of civilized people.  This experience shakes the ground I walk on.  This situation does not sit easy with my soul.

What I saw as an inconvenience has become an altercation.  What I hoped would pass by with relatively little impact has become a gigantic battle of dealing with tragic consequences and wondering how close it will come to me and those around me.  I want this epidemic to stop.  Stop… now!!!  If we would just ‘distance’ ourselves from one another for a short time, maybe it will all stop quickly.  Unfortunately, that is not exactly how outbreaks of disease behave.  At best, they take time to taper off and hopefully hibernate.  The more precautions we take now, the better it will be, but even then… this virus has a pattern of its own that is hard to control.  Health officials are warning that the next few weeks are going to be ‘rough’, ‘devastating’, ‘especially difficult’ and ‘uniquely intense’.  The altercation is going to get escalate

I hope and pray that the escalation of altercation is not as bad as some are predicting, but that is probably rooted in part in my wanting to shrink this thing back to a simple inconvenience. What if it actually does claim 100,000 to 240,000 lives here in the United States?  And what sort of death toll will it have throughout the world?  What if it takes people I know and love?  What if it takes people that you know and love?  I would HATE that.  The painful problem is that it has already taken loved ones who have families and friends that grieve deeply in their hearts.  I HATE that! 

In reading the history of epidemics and plagues throughout human history, I have found that this is not without precedent.  There have been many similar situations, some smaller and some larger.  The Black Plague in Asia and Europe of the mid-14th century reportedly killed half of the population throughout Europe.  As horrible as that was, there were eventually changes that occurred in society that moved it out of the dark ages.  It seems like a high price to pay for unexpected progress.

Forgive me if it seems like I am being dramatic.  I surely do not intend for it to sound like that.  However, I HATE the tragedy that people are experiencing.  I grieve for those who are living with anxious and depressing weight on their shoulders. I HATE that people have to risk their lives to fight this chaos.  I feel resentful that this unwelcomed and uninvited disease has crashed the party of what was originally perfectly designed yet is marred by the sinful brokenness of life. 

So… therefore… what now?  I am trying to see how God engages all of this for all of us.  I resist wanting to put a paper thin biblical band-aid on this situation, yet at the same time, I want to dress the wound with the profound depth of who God is in His character and the healing qualities of His truth.  Religion and Churchianity will not address all that is happening around and in me.  Only the Triune God, who has revealed Himself to and for us, will satisfy the lament in my world.  Only the vicarious atonement of Christ has any hope of dealing with this broken experience I walk through.  Jesus, God the Son, sacrificed Himself as a substitute for my sin and the sins of the world.  He took my death so that I could have His life.  He replaces my despair with His hope.  He ransomed my guilt with His grace.  He enters our tragedy with His presence.  This is the message I need for me and the world needs for all who struggle in this altercation.  I have not pieced all the dynamics and realities together quite yet, but I am purposing in my heart to trust God because He actually is fully trustworthy.  The problem is not Him, it is me.

This is my prayer for us today and in the days to come……it is a prayer that a friend of mine sent to me a few days ago: 

GOD of all peace, replace my anxiety with Your holy calm.
GOD of all hope, remind me that in You both my present and my future is certain and secure.
GOD of all truth, anchor my soul in Your holy Word.

GOD of all provision, meet the needs not only of my loved ones, but also of those who live on the margins of life.
GOD of all healing, raise you those who are sick.
GOD of all protection, grant safety to those on the frontlines of providing medical care.
GOD of all guidance, give to our governing leaders uncommon wisdom.
GOD of all love, may Your endless supply of love flow mightily through me.
GOD of all wisdom, guide my decisions, steps, and actions today that I may lead and serve like never before.
And GOD of all salvation, may the realities of these unprecedented days draw countless people to a saving faith in You.

Love you guys, 