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Important Changes to Our Monday Night Book Study

Dear Quest,

Several weeks ago we announced that we would be sponsoring a group that would be dialoguing on the issue of the racial tensions in our country today.  I want to acknowledge that communication concerning the discussion group of the book Color of Compromise became silent in the last few weeks.  I apologize for any confusion this has caused.  Let me give you an explanation and details on the plan from here.

First, I want you to know that the Elder Team is totally committed to functioning on the basis of unity.  Unity does not mean uniformity, however.  There are times when there are clearly defined differences of perspective on any given issue.  The book Color of Compromise ended up being one of those issues. 

As a team, the Elders are unified in wanting to advance the discussion surrounding the racial tensions that are swirling around us at this point in time.  We recognize that these issues have been with us for many years, that they exist in our culture on a daily basis and erupt periodically with intensity.  It is our desire to be part of the transformative work of Christ in the reconciliation of broken relationships… and in this case, the racial relationships that have all sorts of tentacles and labels that complicate the situation.

In addressing the racial issues of our day, the Elder Team could not find unity in itself for using Color of Compromise as the starting place.  We were not of one mind and therefore felt it was necessary to find another book that was more acceptable to the group while still providing a challenging base for discussion.

In consultation with several people inside of Quest and beyond our church, we have settled on using Dear White Christian for our discussion.  This book was written by Aaron J. Layton.  Aaron is a graduate of Covenant Seminary and is the Director of Diversity at Westminster Christian Academy here in St. Louis.  The subtitle of this book helps us understand the desire we all have of understanding, “What Every White Christian Needs to Know About How Black Christians See, Think, and Experience Racism in America”.  This book will help us all gain appreciation for how perspectives can vary depending on our experiences.  Like any book, we may not all agree with everything that it says, but it will challenge us to think well and think deeply about some of the issues that surround us.

As a result of the changes we have made, we will need to adjust the timing of the group.  Rather than starting on August 3rd, we will delay until Monday, August 17th.  The group will still be facilitated by Tom and Maggie Pruden (who have been incredibly flexible and gracious in this process) at Quest from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm every other Monday for six sessions (over 12 weeks).

The books will be available at Quest starting this coming Sunday for $8 each. If you are a couple joining the study, we would recommend that both individuals have their own copy of the book instead of trying to share one.

I believe that Dear White Christian will prove to be a good starting place for us as a church and honors the commitment we have on the Elder Team of unity and respect.  It is that same unity and respect that we desire for each and every one of us to live out in our church and in our community.  Our heart is to see the great news and grace of Christ be forwarded in everything we do. 

Sincerely Yours,

Kevin Hughes

The book study got such an AMAZING response that we had to close sign ups. Thank you for your interest!!!