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How We’re Stepping into Advent Conspiracy

In many ways, our society has taken the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior out of Advent and Christmas season.  We live in world that says “Happy Holidays” as to not offend anyone, a world that puts more thought into shopping than eternity and a world that thinks Christmas is only about the gifts.  It is unfortunate but it doesn’t have to be that way.  We, the community of believers, can help take back the Advent season and Christmas by choosing to worship our Lord, love others and give gifts that share the compassion of Christ to our world. 

One way we do this at Quest is through what we call Advent Conspiracy.  The offering at our Christmas Eve service is what we call our Advent Conspiracy offering.  It is unique to other offerings, in that, 100% oPastedGraphic-1f the proceeds go directly to help with a specific cause, and it’s purpose is to reflect the compassion of Christ.  In past years, we have used the proceeds for Syrian Refugee Crisis, Typhoon Haiyan Relief in the Philippines and to build a home in Haiti.

The Advent Conspiracy offering from Quest’s upcoming Christmas Eve service this year will be use in Haiti.  Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere, and through the help of our missionary partners, WISH, we are able to come alongside the Haitian community.  Specifically, we will help a church in the Saline district in the city of Anse-a-Galet on the island of La Gonave.  The people on the island of La Gonave are considered the “poorest of the poor.”  The church, shepherded by Pastor Foglas, has a school and a feeding program that serve the Saline community. PastedGraphic-2

A team from Quest will be in Anse-a-Galet the first week of February and will be helping them with the facility that houses their feeding program.  It is missing a roof and is in disrepair.  Many of the tables and chairs need fixing or need to be replaced.  The feeding program is vital to the students and people in this community because everyday is a struggle for the basics like water and food.  So, having a healthy and safe environment to make and serve the food would be a blessing for Pastor Foglas and the people the church serves. 

Would you please prayerfully consider your participation in this Advent Conspiracy mission?
