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Hey Questers – We’re Back!

A few weeks ago, we shared with you the details about our 1st upcoming mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  Well, we’re back and want to give you an update.  We did not know what to expect or how things would go, but we knew that God had called us there.  He called us there to come alongside our partner church (FeG Bonn) to serve, to love and to build relationships. 20160714_130425 There were about 57 youth involved with the American Sports camp.  45 of those campers were refugees that had fled to Germany from the Middle East over the past several months. For most of us on the American team, this was our first encounter with people we’ve heard about or watched on the news for the last few years.  We wondered… how would we react, how would we relate and how would God use us.  The refugees came in all shapes and sizes with a wide variety of personalities. 

20160715_143855We had the opportunity to have many of the them share their stories with us.  Most of their journeys to Germany involved pain, heartache and suffering with either leaving loved ones behind or someone in their family being killed.  As the camp went on, it soon became clear what God was revealing to us leaders… we are all created in His image and He loves all of us.  It doesn’t matter our skin color, where we come from, or what our past has been… He loves us.  That revelation to our team helped to breakdown the language barriers, the cultural barriers and allowed us to share the love of Christ with the campers.  And, while they still mourn and are unsure of what the future holds for them, this one week at camp they felt safe, loved and valued.

None of us know what the future holds for our new friends, but we hope and pray that the seeds of the one true God planted during camp will be used by God in a mighty way for His glory and His kingdom!

