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Haiti 2016 – A “Life Changing” Mission Trip

Quest has just completed its first Haiti mission trip this past February. God used the time, talent and treasure He bestowed to the people of Quest to share His Love for the people of Anse-a-galets on the island of Lagonave. Through the generosity of our Quest community, through the Advent Conspiracy donations, WISH ministry received money for the community center/library, a home was built for Madam Z and people earned much needed money. Lives were changed. 

Now I know what you might be thinking, Madam Z (through God’s grace) got a new home. Of course her life was changed.  However, I’m telling you the team that went there… their lives were changed! Laganove is one of the poorest areas in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. God opened our eyes to the plight and struggle. Basic things like water and food, that we have readily available, are an everyday uncertainty for them. Yet, there is a hope inside them that is unexplainable. We went to be a blessing to them and they were a blessing to us. We went to make a difference and it made a difference in us. And, in the brief time there, our lives where changed having the chance to love, engage and be used by our Creator to demonstrate the Love of Christ.

So, God is giving us the opportunity to do something like this again next year. We will be going Monday, February 1st – Monday, February 8th. The cost is approximately $1600 with a team size of 5-7 people. If we get a large enough response, we have arranged to have a 2nd team that would go Friday, February 5th – Friday, February 12th. The teams would overlap for a couple of days and have a chance to worship at a local church together. It takes a lot of time and effort to coordinate a mission trip and now is the time. Please prayerfully consider this life changing opportunity. The deadline for deciding is May 17th, 2015. Please contact Jon Rayner or John Baker for more information and if you want to go.
