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In Matthew 25 (v.31-46), Jesus is wrapping up His earthly ministry and approaching the time of His disciples betrayal, His arrest, His bogus criminal conviction, His cruxifixction, and eventually, His resurrection.  In the midst of those events, Jesus says some of the most incredible things.  One of those had to do with identifying His authentic followers and therefore those who will inherit a place in His eternal kingdom.  Jesus reveals that those who will reside in His kingdom are those who see and value people that are largely invisible and devalued around us.  Jesus says that the way we treat them is equal to treating Him in the same way.  We get a picture for His compassion of the disenfranchised and forgotten.

The nation of Haiti is, in many ways, the definition of those who are invisible and devalued.  It is one of the poorest nations in the world.  It is one of the most troubled nations in the world. It is one of the most used and abused nations in the world.  It has been used as a pawn by many to advance their own influence and wealth.  It has been a place where poverty has been ‘big business’ for foreign governments and foundations.  Yet, the vast majority of the people in Haiti have not benefited very much from the billions of dollars that have passed through the hands of people who were supposed to be helping the masses of struggling men, women and children.  

Today, significant civil unrest continues to be a daily reality as the citizens have increasingly become the victims of painfully high inflation and government corruption.  Fuel is scarce and the availability of food is getting worse.  People are frustrated and scared.  The island of La Gonave, where Quest has been active, is much more peaceful than the mainland, but it is also largely ignored by mainline efforts.  Those who live on the island are the poor of the poor and the forgotten of the forgotten.  The 100,000 people on the island could disappear tomorrow and the world would hardly notice.  Yet, they are not invisible to God.  They are valued by Him as highly as any people on the earth.  Because of that, we feel called by God to see them and to value them also.  

Of all the blessings that God has bestowed on Quest, I believe that Haiti, our partnership with W.I.S.H. (West Indies Self Help) and the Pastoral Leadership Institute of Anse-A-Galets is one of the most rich.  The body of Christ, here in Quest, has invested in and sacrificed for those whom Jesus saw and loved, but the world would see as ‘the least’ among us.  When we see and love the Haitians we actually see and love the one who lived and died for us all.  

This weekend, we will once again focus on our connection and commitment to Haiti as we host Robin and Beth Churchhill, the missionaries serving with W.I.S.H. in Haiti, on the island o La Gonave, in the city of Anse-A-Galets.  They are accompanied by their delightful daughter, Gaelle.  We will hear some of the many things that God has taught them during the years they have lived and ministered in Haiti.  You will be blessed, I guarantee you.