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God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday life and our local community.  God also asks the church (believers) to take the Good News to the ends of the earth to all of God’s community.  Now, depending on one’s spiritual gifts and calling, going to the ends of the earth may not be in their future and that’s okay, nor does Quest have the ability to go to all 195 nations on earth. But for some, through unique gifting and a call from God, there is a desire to serve in God’s community abroad.  Quest is engaged in two international callings.  One, is Germany (more on that next week) and the second is Haiti.

We want to let you know about an opportunity to help share the Love of Christ in Anse-a-Galet, LaGonave, Haiti.  We will be working with WISH ministries again and the focus will be on their Youth/Community Center.  This will be a safe place for youth to participate in many activities and to hold community events.  Through those facilities and activities the message of God’s Love through Jesus Christ will be shown to all.  Sound familiar…a “people in and for the Community”.  Specifically, we will help build a pavilion in the court yard and other smaller projects depending on number of volunteers.  The trip is open to men and women.  There is plenty of work to do based on skill sets and plenty of Haitian men and women to connect with.

So, here are the details of the mission trip(s).  The team will leave Sunday, Jan 29th and return Monday, Feb 6th.  If we have enough people sign up, then team #2 will leave Friday, Feb 3rd and return Saturday, Feb 11th.  The two teams would be together Saturday and part of Sunday to transfer knowledge and share stories. And, if time permits, on Sunday worship the Lord “Haitian style” together.  The cost is approximately $1200.  Don’t let the cost be a deterrent as you will have an opportunity to raise support before you leave.  The deadline to register and get your $250 deposit turned in is Sunday, Aug 14th.  If you have any questions, then please contact Jon Rayner or myself.


