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From the Elders…

House-under-constructionOver the past several months, I have been watching the workmen build a new house nearby.  The lot was purchased last summer and for a long time nothing happened, but we had heard that plans were being developed.  Then came the sound of machinery and some workers’ voices, but we still couldn’t clearly see what they were building.  In just the last three weeks, however, walls have been raised, rafters have been placed and the roofing boards have been installed!

The whole process has reminded me of what is happening here at Quest.  At any point during the past several years, one could only get a glimpse of what Quest was becoming.  For many years it took the form of a church-within-a-church at First Free.  Two years ago, the decision was made to plant Quest as a separate church.  Since then, Kevin and the staff, with some initial help from the Launch Team, have been slowly and consistently building out the “frame” of Quest, all while doing the ministry before them.  Last month we approved our Constitution and Bylaws, established our first Members and affirmed a Team of Elders.  At the EFREE District Conference next week, we officially become a member church of the EFREE denomination.

All of this has reminded me of Ephesians 2:19-22, in which Paul describes us as,

“Fellow citizens with God’s people … built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”  Paul goes on to say that we “are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”

It is with this spirit of community and common destiny that the Elders have begun their work on the “building” of the church we call Quest.  Like that new house nearby, it will take a little time before you’ll see a lot of visible progress, but know that we are diligently working to get oriented, get organized and get working.  An important part of that is understanding our priorities:

  • Our first priority is to seek the mind of Christ by together studying His Word and praying.
  • Our second is to care for the spiritual needs of our church.
  • Our third is to equip and encourage the saints for the work of the ministry.
  • Our fourth is to oversee policy and direction setting by unanimously seeking the mind of Christ.

In essence, the Elders are not a Board of Directors.  We are disciples, shepherds and servants.  You can read up on each of us on the Quest website, but please don’t hesitate to greet us at church and share any concerns or issues you might have.  We are here for you.

Love well,

Brian Carlin