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Four Important Questions Each of Us Need to Ponder

Recently I have been wrestling with the cultural issues of our day.  We live in the midst of tremendous division and conflict all around us.  The political arena seems to have taken on an unfortunate lead position in the divisive and conflictual wrangling in the media, as well as in our communities.  On the other hand, our culture seems to have become enamored with collecting “stuff” and pursuing “pleasure.”  It’s as if we need the conflict and division to be defused by more things in life.  The problem is that neither the conflict and division nor “stuff” and “pleasure” actually satisfies the human soul for very long.  We become exhausted and discouraged by the conflict and divisions, while we become calloused and numbed by the “stuff” and the “pleasures.”

As we deal with the challenges of life (the conflict and divisions, the “stuff” and “pleasures”) we need to make sure we remain focused on seeking answers to the questions that really matter.  Ravi Zacharias, the well known Christian apologist, has a very helpful paradigm of four essential questions we need to continue asking in search of a comprehensive and coherent understanding of life:

1.  Origin– Where do we come from? Who are we? Are we an accident or are we created? …which logically leads us to the second question…
2.  Meaning– What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? What is this all about? What am I supposed to be all about? …which leads us to the third question…
3.  Morality– What is right and what is wrong? Is there right and is there wrong? Is everything relative or are some things absolute? What are the things that are absolute and what do you do with the ideas that land in conflict with an absolute? …which logically leads us to the fourth question…
4.  Destiny– Where are we going? Where are we headed? Is there anything beyond what we can see or are we headed for annihilation? Is there some sort of eternity? Is there a judgement or is everything simply excused?

The answers to these questions are challenging, yet profoundly important.  Each of us has the responsibility to do the best we can to answer these questions and see if they are comprehensive and coherent.  In other words, do these questions and their answers cover the extent of our lives and do they make sense when bundled together?

My conviction is that the Scriptures reveal that God has addressed these questions throughly and effectively by personally investing Himself with His holiness and His compassion.  We are created by Him with inherent value and meaning to live a life of distinctive beauty for an eternal purpose of knowing God personally and loving one another.

As you ask these questions, as you answer these questions, I trust that His divine presence will meet you and convict you of importance they bring to your life.

