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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Four Enduring Qualities for Christmas

This year we have been wrestling around with four qualities that are obvious, or embedded just under the surface, in the events surrounding Jesus’ birth a few years ago (ok… a lot more that a few years ago).  All four of these qualities are transcendent – meaning they are not limited to the capacity of mankind, but are defined by the majesty of God Himself.

  • Wonder: an astonishment that God invaded human history by sending His Son to be Messiah, the Savior, the Anointed One, the solution for the core needs of the marred human soul.
  • Peace: a peace that surpasses all human understanding and is defined by the amazing ability of God to fulfill His own design for the world and our lives, the way it was supposed to and ought to be.
  • Hope:  a settled condition of the human heart that is grounded in God’s promises that tomorrow will be a new day, full of His continued presence and power.

And this week:

  • Joy: the realization of God’s grace that changes our perspective on everything.

We live in a world that is unpredictable day to day and year to year.  It would be easy to wonder if peace will ever rule over the violence and if there is any hope for the future. It seems as though a world without moorings is left to drift in the waters of uncertainty and discouragement.

However, what if God decided to come be with us?  What if His presence was astonishing?  What if He wanted to usher peace into our predicament?  What if He offered us hope that someday, our tomorrow would be fantastic?  Then we could live in joy… the realization of the grace that He freely and willingly wants to offer mankind because He loves us.  That will be the focus of our time together on Sunday (Christmas Eve).  See you then and there!
