Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


There is something within each one of us that enjoys being fooled. Not in the sense of being made a fool, but simply being unsure of what just happened. The movie twist that makes us gasp. That shock when someone does something that surprises us. That awe of watching how an illusionist seemingly makes something disappear before our very eyes. We all want to be fooled.

That is why we are having this Night of Mystery and Illusion with John Michael Hinton for The Road. Because we want the students to be fooled. We want students to be fooled into thinking they are just here to watch some magician put on an act. But, it is never just about what is directly in front of you when it comes to magic is it? It is what is happening in his pocket, up his sleeve or behind the scenes… and behind the scenes of student’s lives is a battle. A battle for their eternal lives. A battle that many of us forget about. A battle that rages on all without us knowing.

Now you might be saying “Wow, this article really turned quickly.” In all the hoopla of our busy lives we tend to forget that don’t we? In all the sports games, in the jobs, in the relationships, in the band practices, in all the business of life, we forget about eternity. We forget about what else is happening and focus simply on what is around us. We are fooling ourselves, are we not? Fooling ourselves to believe that our lives on earth, which are only a blip on the radar of eternity, are the only things that matter.

That is what we want students to understand through this night. We want them to have a heaven set thinking. We want students to understand that Satan, and this world which he rules, throws a lot of tricks at them. Satan uses misdirection, illusion and just plain lies to keep student’s vision off of heaven… to keep their vision off what they really need to see. I hope this night will allow students to have fun, meet some new friends and enable them to have a heaven mindset.

So bring your students out to Crestview on Wednesday April 29th at 7:30pm for a Night of Mystery and Illusion with John Michel Hinton!