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Find Your Focus

As we face the last day of 2015 we are also facing the first of 365 days in 2016.  As a result we all anticipate what the New Year will bring with it for our lives.  There will be situations and circumstances that we could never have anticipated and many times could never have prevented.  On the other hand we can also enter into 2016 with purpose and focus that every responsible person eagerly engages.  We might call this the adventure to Find Your Focus.  We each do this individually……but we also do this as a community, as a church, we are even doing it as a nation as we prepare for the elections of 2016.  

I think that 2016 proves to be a pivotal year for the Quest family as we Find Our Focus.  We are taking strides that seem to be the ones that the Lord is establishing for us.  No doubt the possibility of a building is a big deal but even more important than that we will continue to establish and mature our vision, structures, ministries, and connections.  If we are going to take seriously the by-line of being a church in and for the community we will be squeezed out of our comfort zones and into the uncomfortable places much like Jesus found Himself everyday of His life.  As a result the building (when and if) can only be a tool which we use to be effective.  It cannot become our focus.  People have to be the focus of our hearts and our hands.  Therefore, Finding Your Focus, and Finding Our Focus together will be both an adventure and a labor.  It will be an adventure because we will follow Christ wherever He leads us (which often is not where we would predict), and it will be a labor because the journey is never easy (and He never promised it would be easy).  However, it will be worth it!!!!

Already the journey is unique…Crestview Middle School is out of commission for a week…our community is being tragically impacted by record floods…and in the midst of al our small and large crises God is still here…leading us in an adventure of His love and grace… and giving us all we need for the labor of His kingdom.