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Explaining Advent Conspiracy

Advent Conspiracy is a movement that was started over a decade ago by a couple of pastors that wanted to push back against the commercialism of Christmas. They had four goals:

  • Worship Fully
  • Spend Less
  • Give more
  • Love All

The movement started small—just a handful of churches who would try this experiment and make the Advent story personal again. The news spread quickly, a book was written, videos were created, and along the way a revolution was born (

Quest is one of thousands of churches around the world that has grabbed hold of this incredible movement in hopes of making a long lasting difference in the name of Christ to celebrate and worship Him at Christmas.

Over the years, Quest has supported many difference causes, but one that has really seemed to resonate is our efforts in Haiti. We’ve helped to rebuild a home, renovate the feeding program building, and last year’s biggest effort to date to rebuild a school in Anse-a-Galets.

This year, we asked about what needs could be addressed with our yearly Advent Conspiracy project and Robin and Beth Churchill, the WISH missionaries on the Island of La Ganave, responded with several ideas. With these needs, this year’s W3 project was born.

W3: Women, Water and Wattage

This three tier project’s first W is to help start a new ministry to support the young women of the city. The hope is to be able to fund the program for 2 years with Christian, female leaders and supplies to provide a safe place for young Haitian women to come, learn, be together and be supported. The estimated cost for this 2 year program is $4000.

The second W is for water. The water system that WISH has set up and cares for needs some updating. There are several fountains throughout the city that are used get clean water, but many of these fountains are in disrepair and need updating. Quest would like to take on the cost of repairing one of the city’s water fountains and to help lay new stainless steel pipe to replace the corroded pipe that is currently being used. The estimated cost of this project is $10,000.

The final W is wattage. WISH is currently trying to switch their energy system from relying on diesel fuel (which is expensive, hard on the environment and becoming more difficult to get) to a solar powered system. They have the panels for this system, but are needing the batteries to collect and retain the energy from the solar panels. The estimated cost of these batteries is $10,000.

So, if you add that all together, our goal is to reach $24,000 to be able to fund all three W’s. The first $4000 given will go to women. The next $10,000 will go to water. The final $10,000 will go to wattage. We don’t know what God has planned for this providing for this project, but we do know He has opened an incredible door to help support the people of Anse-a-Galets. Will you pray and ask the Lord what He might have you do this Christmas to help?