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Women’s Tuesday Night Bible Study

There is a women’s Bible study meeting on Tuesday nights from from 6:30-8:30pm from September 20th – November 15th. The group will be reading And Yet, Undaunted: Embraced by the Goodness of God in the Chaos of Life by Paula Rinehart & Connally Gilliam.

Life is hard. We often find ourselves walking through stories that don’t feel like they should be ours. And yet here we are. We wonder where our good God is in the midst of it.

But we are not left without hope. In fact–we have the greatest hope of all. Through vulnerable stories and rich insight, Paula Rinehart and Connally Gilliam point to the Larger Story that carries all the anxiety, longing, and beauty of your life. The backdrop of the big gospel story–creation (how life ought to be), the fall (how life is), redemption (how life can be), and restoration (how life will be one day)–gives context to our lives and hope for walking forward. The grand story of the gospel of Jesus Christ frames our every step.

The ladies will meet at Jo Ann Pinnell’s home each week. Please get your book before the group begins. You can get those from Lifeway, or Amazon. You can sign up at the ministry table on Sunday mornings or use the form below. Questions? Please contact Diane Hughes.


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