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Summer Book Club – The Yada Yada Prayer Group

Our Quest ladies are invited to take part in a simple book club this summer. They’ll be working through two different books throughout June and July with only one meeting at the end of each book. This second book is The Yada Yada Prayer Group (Book 1) by Neta Jackson.

What do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student and a married mother of two have in common?

Nothing, or so I thought. Who would have imagined that God would make a prayer group as mismatched as ours the closest of friends? I almost didn’t even go to the Chicago Women’s Conference—after all, being thrown together with five hundred strangers wasn’t exactly my “comfort zone.” But something happened that weekend to make us realize we had to hang together, and the Yada Yada Prayer Group” was born! When I faced the biggest crisis of my life, God used my newfound Sisters to show me what it means to be just a sinner saved by grace.

If you’d like to be a part of this group, please purchase your book and have it read by the meeting on Monday, July 31st from 6-9pm. The group will meet at Quest in the lower level. Please sign up at the Ministry Table so they know how many to plan on for an evening of discussion, food and fun!

Cold Tangerines can be found on Amazon, ThriftBooks, ChristianBook, or even at your local library. There are different covers depending on when your version was published.

Questions? Please contact Rachelle Parezo.


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