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Seder Dinner

Celebrating Christ as the Passover Lamb

Sunday, April 6th at 5:30pm
Tickets are $20 each

Quest will be hosting a Seder dinner on Sunday, April 6th at 5:30pm. The Seder Dinner is an experience that ties the redemptive work of Christ, that we celebrate at Easter, to the historical ‘passover’ of Israel escaping Egypt by God’s saving hand.  It is also an opportunity to invite friends, family and neighbors into our ‘home’ to hear the beautiful message of redemption in a relational environment.  

Jim Fox will be our guest speaker and walk us through the meal. If you’re interested in learning and participating, get your tickets for $20 each.

Tables will hold 6-7 people and seating will be limited. You can sign up for shared tables with friends and family, but once they’re full, they’re full. The deadline for getting tickets is March 23rd. You can get your tickets at the Ministry Table on Sunday mornings.

If you have questions or would like to help at the event, please contact Tara Masek.


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