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New Year’s Eve Palooza – Bingo and Breakfast Potluck

The Sunday after Christmas will be a Palooza Sunday! In lieu of a typical worship service, we’re going to have a big party, a meal and play some Bingo. Bingo was such a hit last year that we had quite a few folks ask to do it again! Not to mention, it’s New Year’s Eve so let’s start ringing in the new year as a church family!

The meal will be a breakfast themed potluck. Quest will handle the breakfast meats and beverages, while the rest will be up to you! We have sign ups for this at the Ministry Table with categories of food to sign up to bring: egg casseroles, potato casseroles, french toast casseroles, breakfast cakes/muffins/danish, fruit, etc. This way, we have a better idea of what is needed, what is coming and how many people to expect. We thank you for being open to this change and signing up in advance. Sign ups will open in December.

Also, Bingo is a fun-for-all-ages game that gives those in attendance the opportunity to regift something that they may have gotten for Christmas that they don’t love and win something else! So bring along a gift or two… or three… or however many you want to donate to the prize table and and see if you get a BINGO and get to pick something new!


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