Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Membership Class (Zoom)

Membership here really just means that you want to step into Quest and take some ownership, be involved in the life of the church and take responsibility for voting on leadership and financial decisions. If Quest is the place that you feel like you want to step in and be a part, then membership could be a next step for you.

Our membership class is where you learn what is entailed and what it really means to “join a church.” Kevin, our lead pastor will walk through it all with you as you decide if membership is right for you. All new members will be affirmed at the annual church business meeting in the fall.

We have a Zoom option for this class at 7pm on Wednesday, July 10th. So whether you’re in town but have kids around or you’re traveling for a bit, this class is a great option for its flexibility in where you have to be to be a part. Go ahead and sign up at the Ministry table by Sunday, July 3rd and we’ll email you the Zoom link.

Questions? Please contact Kevin Hughes.


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