Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Helping Pond Elementary

Pond Elementary has expressed a major need and Quest has offered help… but to do that, we need YOUR help. The school is currently incredibly understaffed in the custodial department and are not able to get the building cleaned to the level that it needs to be at for returning students and staff. They have asked if Quest could provide a few volunteers to help get the school cleaned up. It truly is an honor to be trusted and asked to help in such a major way. This is a really tangible way that we can directly help our community by being the literal hands and feet of Christ.

There are two times that volunteers will be going to help. You’ll find a sign up sheet at the Ministry Table on Sunday mornings.

Monday, July 24th from 1-3:30pm

Saturday, July 29th from 9am-12:30pm


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