Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Drop ‘n Shop

Christmas time can be extremely packed for young families. You have events, parties, playdates and shopping to do. Shopping for little ones can be difficult because… THEY’RE ALWAYS WITH YOU. So, we wanted to give our young families a chance to get out and Christmas shop without their littles.

Saturday, December 9th, we invite you to drop your kiddos off at the Wahlman’s at 10am with a packed lunch, go shop, have lunch and come back to get the kids at 2pm. Four hours of sweet freedom with nobody needing to use the bathroom every 5 seconds, complaining about being thirsty or begging for gum at the checkout. Well, I guess that really depends on your shopping companion, but we can just help with the littles.

All we ask is:

  • You must to sign up at the Ministry table on a Sunday morning so we’re sure to have enough people for childcare (you can get the Wahlman’s address when you sign up).
  • All the kids coming need to bring their own lunch.
  • Pick up is at 2pm.


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