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Dear White Christian Book Study

In the fall of 2014, during the racial and cultural events in Ferguson, MO, Aaron Layton desperately wanted to know what was going on in the minds of his white colleagues, friends, and fellow church members. So, he did what comes naturally to him, but might seem unnatural to many. A trusted white friend responded: Here is the deal: we don’t understand it; we don’t know what to say; and we don’t know what to do. That response propelled Aaron to action to deepen the understanding of his white friends, with the hope that greater understanding would result in a greater unity believers possess in Christ. The lessons he learned are the foundation of this book a letter to the white Christians he dearly loves, as well as those he hopes to one day meet. Dear White Christian is designed for any white Christian who seeks practical tools for beginning or continuing conversations with black brothers and sisters in Christ. As you read this book, lean into that which makes you uncomfortable. Allow this letter to give you insight and challenge you for the glory of God.

“Dear White Christian provides a black leader’s perspective … to help break down the walls that inhibit real conversations and understanding to take place.” James Marsh, Director, Van Lunen Center at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI

“This book will help you embrace the challenge to recognize the season we are in and steward it well.” Thurman L. Williams, Associate Pastor, Grace and Peace Fellowship Church, St. Louis, MO. 

Tom and Maggie Pruden are leading a book study using the locally written book, Dear White Christian by Aaron Layton. The group will meet every other Monday evening starting August 17th from 7:30-9pm at Quest. You can pick up your book at Sunday morning service for only $8. We recommend having a book for every person that is joining the study, so if a couple is coming together, they should both have their own copy. If you have any questions, please contact Tom and Maggie Pruden.

This book study has reached capacity, so signups have been closed. Thank you for your interest!


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