Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Baptism Palooza

Ever since Quest planted back in 2013, we’ve called our giant parties, “Paloozas.” Who knows if that will ever change, but for the moment, we’re a Palooza kind of people. We hope you will join us for the Baptism Palooza coming up on August 25th! This is one of the most unique services of the year. We have our service outside, under a giant tent right down the road at Morning Star Farm.

We gather at our normal 10am for a worship service and to hear from the folks that are being baptized. Baptism is such a huge step in your faith that if those being baptized want to tell their story about how they came to their decision, we want to give that opportunity for them to share their faith. From there, we head to the pool for the baptisms.

Once those are done, it’s time to EAT! We want to CELEBRATE what God is doing in the lives of those being baptized as well as everyone else! We will have a potluck lunch, games and swimming for those that would like to jump in after lunch. It will probably be a warm day, so if you need to keep food cool, please bring it in a cooler.

Please be sure that you bring chairs, a side dish or two for the potluck lunch and swimming gear if you or your kids would like to jump in. We ask that any un-potty trained littles be sure to wear a swim diaper.

God has been so gracious in the past to provide us with beautiful weather, let’s all start praying now that the same trend continues!

If you are interested in being baptized this year, please contact Kevin Hughes.


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