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Annual Church Business Meeting

In years past, we’ve incorporated the meeting into our Sunday morning service, but due to limitations on attendance this year, we’ve decided to hold it over Zoom. So, you’re invited to our Annual Church Business Meeting this year on Sunday, August 23rd at 7pm via Zoom.

We’ll be looking at (and celebrating) what God has been doing in and through Quest over the past year and looking forward to what the next year may bring.

While anyone is welcome to attend this meeting, please remember that only members can participate in the vote. This year, the vote will consist of approving the budget for the 2020/2021 year and voting on one elder to rejoin the team of elders. We’ll also be affirming a few new members. We’ll have a special check-in link to confirm the members present at the meeting to make sure we have quorum and to know exactly who to send electronic ballots to, via email. This is a will all be explained at the beginning of the meeting.


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