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Equipped and Gifted

We have been focusing on what it means to be equipped… in other words… what does it means to be outfitted to take the ‘quest’ or adventure called the Christ filled life?  It has been exciting to see that being equipped is not a skills-based idea.  Equipped means to become mature and increasingly transformed into the image of Christ and His character.  We live by faith, entrusting our entire selves to the work of Christ now and for eternity.  That faith has implicit qualities that make us useful, fruitful and stable in the economy of God’s kingdom: qualities like moral beauty, in-depth understanding, self-control, perseverance, an orientation toward God, family type affections for people, and ultimately the mother of all virtues….love (II Peter 1:5-7).  Just like the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), these qualities are the evidence of the power and presence of God’s Spirit in our lives. They are not instantaneous nor magical.  They become evident in us when we have spend time engaged in an intimacy with God and His Word.  It is a work of the heart and not of the hand.  When our hearts are touched and changed our hands will get involved in the things of God.

When we begin to get involved in the work of God, He does not simply launch us on our way with a wish of “good luck”.  He remains connected and involved with us.  In fact, He can use every endeavor for His purposes.  In the midst of us walking through life and walking with Him, He supernaturally and sovereignly ‘gifts’ each one of us with special abilities to be exercised for the good of His kingdom and the good of the whole body of Christ, His church.  These ‘gifts’ are often made to little of, but on the other hand they are often made to much of.  That is why ‘maturity’ is so important.  Mature people keep the ‘gifts’ in their right place and in right perspective.  Immaturity either ignores them or elevates them far to high.

When ‘spiritual gifts’ are exercised and utilized maturely, God is honored, people are impacted and beautiful things happen.  In the next few weeks, we will be focusing on ‘spiritual gifts’ with a heart of wanting to encourage and mobilize every person in Quest.  As we head into this next season of the ministry of Quest, we want everyone to be utilized in the best way possible. This ought to be a fun season for all of us.