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Elder Candidate School

We have just recently wrapped up an extensive process of vetting people for becoming Elders for the church family here at Quest. Honestly, it is probably one of the best things we do here at Quest.  It is not a simple or an easy process.  We use a short, but very effective book (Christ in Church Leadership) as a guide for discussions concerning the Biblical role and responsibilities of Elders.

We also spend a significant amount of time sharing each of our life stories with one another.  These stories usually took between an hour, and even two and half hours, to share.  We attempted to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about ourselves and entrust ourselves to one another.  We also took the opportunity to give one another feedback concerning their qualifications and preparedness for being an Elder.  All this added up to three and a half hour meetings, twice a month for eight months. That is over 50 hours of being together.  If you match that with the time each man spent in preparation, we have more than 100 hours spent learning, sharing, praying, discussing, processing and seeking the mind of Christ on what and who He was calling each of the men to do.

In the coming weeks, the present Elders are charged with seeking the will of God for those that will be presented to the congregation in early August and then voted on by the membership on August 19th.  Please pray for this process to be grounded in prayer and focused on simply hearing Christ and His directives concerning spiritual leadership for the next season of our church.

Thank you for being a part of God unfolding His plan for Quest and for a future that is committed to glorifying Him in all that we do.  Thank you for being a part of the body of Christ here at Quest, reaching out to our community and offering hope when life seems so dark. Thank you for your part of building a foundation of doctrinal purity and unity in the body of Quest.  Thank you for honoring God with our united lives.

