Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Do You Know the Rescue Plan?

A few weeks ago, Kevin talked about Christian maturity and the need to be able to discern truth from error.  We, along with our kids, live in a crazy, upside-down world where good is labeled evil and evil, good. Truth is proclaimed as subjective.  If our children are to make wise choices, what standard is there for them to look to?  How do we begin to gain Christian wisdom and maturity?

Today, if something is being weighed, there is a standard unit of measurement.  If a bridge is being built, an engineer does not use a ruler from Walmart. He has very precise measuring instruments that are the standards.  If your neighbor says it is 2 o’clock and you say it is 3 o’clock, what do you do?  You take out a watch or cell phone and check for the correct time against Central Standard Time.

When kids have moral life choices to make (cheat or not cheat, lie or tell the truth, steal or not steal, have sex before marriage or not,  and the list goes on).  What standards do they base their decisions and choices on?  What everyone else is doing or not doing?  On what they personally want to do?  What is our standard in matters of life?   God says it is Him and His Word.  We are created by Him and in His image. Our purpose is to glorify Him.  If we are to be His witness and represent Him here on Earth, Scripture has to be our standard.

In our culture we sometimes hear, “God is who I think He is,” or “All approaches are valid,”  “It’s how I feel”….

Let’s think about that even on a very human scale.  For example, when speaking with our new CEO, can I approach Him however I want?  Do we “think” or do we adapt our approach to that person for who we know them to be and what they expect?  How much more is the God of the universe? His own person – with specific qualities and traits that are inherent and not defined by us.

We must measure our life choices by God’s Word, we cannot measure Gods Word by the world’s opinions.

If we and our children do not know God’s Word, we have nothing but the world’s opinions to base our actions on. How can we or our children possibly make wise choices?

This summer, we will travel through the Old Testament historical books.  From Genesis to Revelation, God’s overarching theme throughout all of Scripture is about His rescue plan for each of us. We will begin to see the unfolding of God’s love, patience and His rescue plan to redeem and restore us to Himself.  He will accomplish His plan in spite of our disobedience and wanderings.

Come join us as we head into summer. Help our children find direction for life and discover Gods Standard and His Rescue plan.
