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Church is a Party!

Church is a party for those who need a party in the midst of a life that needs something more than the day in and day out regularity. Church is a party that celebrates the glimpses of beauty that come with seeing God’s amazing love that transforms and creates. Those glimpses of beauty, of perfection and of “the way is was supposed to be” don’t come around that often, so we need to enjoy those opportunities when we can.

One of those opportunities is coming up on September 6th. That is a Sunday… the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. Rather than meeting at Crestview Middle School, we have decided to once again “do church” at the ‘sprawling estate’ of Thomas and Fredda-Lois Loafmann out in Wildwood, MO. We will have a time of worship under the big top at 10:00 am, followed by baptisms in the pool, then a pot-luck meal, games, horses, swimming, more food, great conversations, more food and then more fun (and more food)… because church is a party!!!

That morning will include baptizing those who would like to be baptized. Baptism is one of the beautiful glimpses of life… a life that is connected to the life of Christ because that life is also connected to His death. Here is what I mean:

Baptism is a beautiful expression of identifying oneself with Christ by going under the water which represents dying to self and the things of our sinful self and then coming out of the water which represents the life that Christ provides in our new self, being a new creation. It all takes on meaning because Christ died for us and was buried (going under the water) and then defeated death once and for all (being raised out of the water).

Baptism itself does not change anyone. It is the life, death and resurrection of Christ that does the changing. It is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that does the changing. However, baptism is a beautiful expression and announcement that someone identifies themselves with Christ and the redemptive work He has done for them. It says to the world that you belong to Christ, that He has bought you with a price and that price was His sacrifice on the cross. It doesn’t get better than that!!!

So, if you have given your life to Christ but have not been baptized, and you would like to proclaim your faith with obedience to the command to be baptized, then plan on celebrating this beautiful glimpse of life on Sunday the 6th of September. Contact Kevin Hughes at 314-623-2282 if you would like to be baptized.