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Christmas Compassion

The focus of our Christmas Season (2015) is simply expressed by the word ‘compassion’.  It is simple but it is not simplistic.  In the midst of our busy-ness, we are faced with profound tragedies all around us that confuse us, frustrate us, anger us and even drive us to despair.  But rather than being stuck in our confusion, our frustration, our anger or our despair, we ache to be filled with something more significant that might bring hope and meaning to a world turned sideways.  Our first choice would be for all the wrongs to be made right, all the broken things to be fixed, all the inappropriate things to be eliminated, and all the good to become dominate.  But something tells us that everything doesn’t just get fixed right away.  In fact things seem to be getting more chaotic day by day.  We feel helpless to hold back the advance of evil and hate.  We feel harassed by the brokenness of our world and even of our hearts.  We scan the horizon for help and stability.  We long for something, or maybe even someone, to supply answers that address the situation.

That is where ‘compassion’ comes into play.  We not only need the long term answers that explain the future, but we need the strength to face the day to day challenges of our lives.  As Jesus was building the foundation of His ministry and calling together His disciples, He revealed His core motivation for dealing with the people He engaged.  He saw our lives and He knows our hearts.  He understands our needs and He cares about our hurts.  Matthew chapter 9, verse 36 exposes the most foundational truth of His heart… He responds to all of this with ‘compassion’.  We would think His response would be either disgust or distain, but we find Him full of ‘compassion’.  We find Him offering comfort out of a heart of profound and unconditional love and mercy.  

Since we are met on the steps of life with His ‘compassion’ it leads us to meet others in the same way.  So our desire is that the Comfort and Compassion of Christ would fill your season and the season of those in your lives.