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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Children’s Ministry Director

Before I write to you concerning our future need for a new Children’s Ministry Director, I want to say a few things about our present Director, Karen Woolsey.  I have known and worked with Karen, almost non-stop, for the last 16 years.  That is as long as I have worked with anybody in my working experience.  I liked her in the beginning back at First Free Church.  We were on a variety of teams together during those years and I came to like her even more.  Now we have teamed together here at Quest for the last 6 years… and I think more highly of her now than ever before.  

Karen is a uniquely creative leader and teacher who is committed, first and foremost, to bring to bear God’s Word in the hearts of children and their parents.  I cannot tell you what a privilege and a joy it has been to work with her.  I not only appreciate her commitment and her skill, but I have been the beneficiary of her kindness and generosity.  Those who have worked closely with Karen also know her as a jokester and a prankster.  You wouldn’t believe the things she can pull on people!!!  We will celebrate Karen and her husband Tom later in the summer, so prepare yourself to roast her… she deserves it.

Starting in the fall, we hope to have a replacement for Karen.  We have a description of responsibilities written up and that is available to you if you are interested or know of someone who might be interested.  We see this position, and its responsibilities, as strategically important to any church, but uniquely for Quest.  A strong and vivant children’s ministry is important for many reasons, including: 

1.  Reaching the hearts of children is critically important because they are piecing together their ‘worldview’ and deciding on how God fits. We have the opportunity to partner with parents in helping their  children find and enjoy the majesty of God.

2.  A strong and effective children’s ministry makes Quest a more effective environment for the whole family.  When parents are confident that their kids are in a safe, productive and age appropriate learning situation, it allows the adults to relax, enjoy and engage the worship service of their own.

3.  A healthy children’s ministry invests in the socialization development of children.  It can be a place where kids learn to get along with both their peers and adults.  As peers, they make friends and become a  community that can last for years.  With adults, they learn that inter-generational relationships can be rich and stabilizing.

So, we are praying and preparing for the next Children’s Ministry Director.  Please join us in asking God to provide the right person for this position at this time.  I am confident that God has just the right person prepared to join the team and be a blessing to the entire church.


Kevin Hughes