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Missions (Page 2)

Being a Complement, an Encouragement and a Catalyst

Team 1 and 2 have completed their Haiti mission trips and made it home safely from Anse-a-Galets, LaGonave.  We thank you for being a part of this ministry through the Advent Conspiracy offering, your words of encouragement and your prayers.  We are excited to share with you that the Youth Center pavilion was completed and that the leftover funds will be used…

Who Likes to Go Camping?

Camping. That word brings about many feelings for a lot of people. Some people love it… some people hate it. Most people around here do it as a “get-away.” Some people think that staying at a Holiday Inn is “roughing it.” However, about 25 miles east of here, there are many people that don’t get the choice – they’re homeless, so camping is…

Hurricane Matthew’s Effect on WISH in Haiti

It always amazes me to see how God works through His people, His ambassadors.  At least, when I take time to notice it.  God is at work every day here, and all around the world.  But, life gets busy with family, work, chores and to do lists.  This can pull me away from the eternal joy and peace of being a follower…

Hey Questers – Guess What?? 

Next week we have a team leaving on our first Quest mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  We will help the Evangelical Free Church (FeG) of Bonn in hosting an American Sports camp.  The camp will be attended primarily by non-believing teenagers from the inner city.  Our German brothers and sisters want to share the Love of Christ with these youngsters and their…

God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday…

Project Dignity

We just completed our trip to Anse-a-Galet, LaGonave, Haiti, but the work there continues.  Let me explain… we successfully assembled the trusts and put them into place. We also were able to get the sheet metal roof and guttering installed.  We couldn’t have completed our task without the help of several Haitian men.  And, while we returned home, those men are continuing…

The Harvest Is Plentiful

After a good night’s sleep I jumped out of my cozy bed and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.  Next, I had some quiet time in the living room before heading to the kitchen.  There, I started preparing eggs and sausage as the rest of the family showered and got ready for their day.  We had water, orange juice and…

A Tale of Two Cities

Toasted Ravioli, Cardinals Baseball, The Arch, The City Museum…Just a few of the many staples of St. Louis. I have lived here all my life, and while it may not have the sandy beaches of Florida or the soaring peaks of Colorado, St. Louis will always be my home. But even with all the great things St. Louis has to offer, sometimes…

Volunteers Needed for Flood Clean Up Tomorrow

After watching the insane flooding that has so incredibly impacted our area, Quest wants to help and we need you to do it!    Meet at The Wildwood Hotel at 1pm and we’ll carpool/caravan down Hwy 109 to get there (2801 Fountain Place, Wildwood, MO 63040). Volunteer parking will be determined as flood waters recede. Please bring rubber gloves and boots if you have them.…

Candy Donations for Quest Kids

Quest Kids is collecting bags of candy for an outreach opportunity they will have later this year. It’s a great time to pick up candy since it’s Halloween time and everything is on sale. If you could grab a bag or two and bring it to the Quest Kids desk, your donation will help bring some joy to kids around the St.…