Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kids (Page 2)

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 5)

Put these events in the right order (remember the hand motions): Abraham 2 Eyes: Ishmael and Isaac 4000 years ago in Ur Isaac 2 sons: Esau – hairy, Jacob – smooth Flood SALT (Sarah, Abraham, Lot, Terah) Promised Land Tower of Babel God Fall Tigris Euphrates (traveled along) Creation Nations Haran Read Psalms 51:2-12 by yourself or with your parent(s) and fill…

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 4)

Your Name:___________________ Date due: July 2 Put these events in the right order. (remember the hand motions) 4000 yrs ago in Ur Promised land Flood, S.A.L.T Tower of Babel God, Fall Tigris Euphrates (Traveled Along) Creation,  Nations   Why was Saul no longer a part of “God’s Rescue Plan”? What do we need to keep in touch with to be part of…

 Questions of the Week (Week #3) 

 Questions of the Week (week #3) Name __________________  Date for June 18 1. Put these events in the right order. (remember the hand motions) Flood the Fall Tower of Babel Creation God Nations 2. The story of Ruth is important and gave the people hope for a Redeemer      Read the Book of Ruth (you or your parent) and be able…

Why Bother Learning the Bible?

Why bother with learning facts like the books of the Bible?  Why learn Bible maps? Famous rivers? If God’s Word is the Story of God, and what He has done for us, doesn’t it makes sense to get familiar and comfortable with it? As adults, we often know many of God’s stories, but we have no idea where they fit into the big picture.  As…

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 2)

Quest Kids Questions of the Week # 2 Look through your Bible to answer these questions.  (you may do this with a parent or on your). One of the goals this summer is to become familiar with God’s Amazing Book, the Bible. 1. The Bible is made up of two Testaments.  The _________ and The _________ Testaments. 2.  It was written by…

Quest Kids: Haiti Food Program Collection

Our Quest Kids families were sent home with bowls of beans and rice. Well, the bowls have dried beans and rice glued to the bottom. This is a helpful reminder to help support the feeding program in Haiti! Families can put the bowl in a central place where it’s easy to toss in spare change. One meal is only $0.35, so let’s…

Haiti Feeding Program *Update*

Our Quest Kids raised money over the summer to help support the feeding program in Haiti that Quest has partnered with. The congregation was challenged to meet what the kids gave, and once again, you all went above and beyond expectations. Together, we collected $1,672.56. That’s 4,779 meals. The program proves meals for 180 kids per day… we’ve helped provide 27 days of…

The Exciting World of SPORTS!

Did I get your attention? I hesitate to write an article that would say, “The exciting world of Quest Kids!” because I feel many would just ignore reading it by saying, “Well, I don’t want to teach kids so I don’t need to read this.” I’m asking you to please read and prayerfully consider serving. Even if you have never before considered…

What You Need to Know as We Move In

You guys! We’re moving in! THIS WEEKEND! How awesome is that? While this is a super exciting time, we wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of a few things… First of all, the address is 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040. No building is perfect, even with all the latest and greatest updates, there are imperfections. Our building is an ongoing project, so please…