Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kids

Prioritizing our Children

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Quest, Our children live in a world, at best, too busy and complacent to follow Christ. At worst, it rejects Christ and entices kids to follow other gods. As parents, grandparents or as a part of a body of Christ, we must be at work prioritizing the spiritual lives of children.  Children have a soul…

Got some spare change?

This summer, Quest Kids is trying to help the children in Haiti by providing some of the needs for them to be able to go to school.  When Robin and Beth Churchill (missionaries from Haiti) spoke in church a couple months ago, we asked them what were some of the biggest needs, in addition to providing food for the feeding program, that…

Quest Kids Summer Program is Back

Quest is now in a series about the Holy Spirit.  He dwells in every believer and empowers us to love and live the way God desires us to live.  We are so excited to see what God will teach each one of us through His Word and by the power of His Holy Spirit.  The timing couldn’t be better (I wonder if…

Random Thoughts As Summer Comes To A Close

Prayer is powerful. Not that you don’t do it already, but it’s a great time to make a commitment to be praying specifically for your children, grandchildren and Quest Kids and all the things they will face this year. Have you considered picking out a blessing verse for each child that you can say over them each day as they head out…

Quest Kids Question of the Week (Week 9)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK 9 Your Name:_________________           Date due: August 6      1. When you chose to ignore God and do things your own way, God calls it   ___ ___ ___! Do you ever do that?  ___________ Can you share an example where you did that this week?   ___________________________________________________________________________   2. _________ makes a mess of everything.  …

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 7)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK 7 Your Name:___________________  Date due: July 23 When God told Solomon he could ask for anything and God would give it to him, what did he ask for? Was it a good thing that Solomon asked for? (Ask your mom or dad what they would ask for) What happened to Solomon’s heart and attitude after he got all…

Quest Kids Questions of The Week (Week 6)

Your Name ________________________ (Due July 16) 1. What kind of a heart did Solomon, Saul and David have toward God. (draw a line from the king to the type of heart) Whole heart     //     Half heart     //     No heart 2. Each of these kings sinned against God but had very different responses to God…