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Ministries (Page 9)

Thrive’s Baby Bottle Blast Totals are IN!

Thrive Baby Bottle Blast drive totals for Quest are in…Quest Kids raised $274.95 and Quest congregation raised $3,509.56 for a total of $3,784.51!  We want to say thank you to you all for your amazing support!  Our partnership with Thrive helps to further their ministry in support of women and their unborn child. But wait!!! There is more… Please read the following from their…

*Updated* Crestview Food Pantry List

Crestview’s Food Pantry provides students with food over the weekends that otherwise, may go hungry or not get enough to eat. We are so blessed to have the ability to come alongside the school in this amazing way. Quest has responded so incredibly to all the needs they have. We have received an updated list with a few extra items that could…

Getting Plugged In

As we have talked about the importance of belonging over the last few weeks, we wanted to give an opportunity to everyone to get plugged into the Quest community. There are several areas that could use a few more people to help on a rotating basis so everyone involved can have some Sundays off. If you’re interested in serving in any of the…

Candy Donations for Quest Kids

Quest Kids is collecting bags of candy for an outreach opportunity they will have later this year. It’s a great time to pick up candy since it’s Halloween time and everything is on sale. If you could grab a bag or two and bring it to the Quest Kids desk, your donation will help bring some joy to kids around the St.…

The Baby Bottle Drive is Thriving!

Over $870,000 and still counting! Throughout the metro area ministries, churches and friends of Thrive (over the last several weeks) had Baby Bottle Blast drives to support the Thrive ministry. The collaborative effort of all was also followed up with a celebration at the annual Thrive dinner this last week. It was a great example of the body of Christ coming together…

Serve St. Louis – Soldier’s Wish List Needs

The Soldier’s Wish List Serve St. Louis project could use a little extra help in collecting supplies. If you could help provide a few of the supplies, it would be a huge help. They will be making 100 care packages with the following things: Full or Queen sized blankets (new) DVD movie OR music CDs (they do not need to be new)…

BLTs Start THIS Week!

BLT’s are Quest’s main community groups or “small groups.” These grups meet every other week starting the week of September 13th. We want to extend an invitation to anyone who may be wanting to join a BLT or change BLTs this coming year. There are 5 different groups all meeting on different days and times, so hopefully you can fond one to suit…

Thank You for Giving to the Lord

There is a song called “Thank You,” written by Ray Boltz, that brings tears (of joy) to my eyes every time I listen to it.  The song is about someone who had a dream, and in that dream this person went to heaven with a friend.  They were walking the streets of gold and listening to the angels sing.  When suddenly, all…

A Common Goal

The new school year has already started for some schools, and within the next week, most schools will be in session. The administrators, teachers and other staff are geared up and ready for the mass invasion of students from all walks of life. They are a special group of people with unique gifting, giving hearts and a dedication to serving student communities.…