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Ministries (Page 7)

New Local School Outreach Ministry and Opportunities

Kelly Moore will be the new Coordinator for Quest’s partnership with Pond Elementary School. She is looking for team members and volunteers for various activities throughout the year. The first opportunity is Ezra’s Toy Drive.  We are collecting brand new toys or gift cards from now until September 18. The toy drive has been extended so you can bring your new toys or gift…

*NEW* Women’s Fall Bible Studies

Ladies! We have a couple new Bible studies coming at you this fall! The first will be starting September 13th and running through November 22nd – Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm. They’ll be studying Beth Moore: Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. You can get your own book from Lifeway for $15.99. You’ll want to order it ahead of time, leaving plenty of time…

Hey Questers – We’re Back!

A few weeks ago, we shared with you the details about our 1st upcoming mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  Well, we’re back and want to give you an update.  We did not know what to expect or how things would go, but we knew that God had called us there.  He called us there to come alongside our partner church (FeG Bonn)…

The Exciting World of SPORTS!

Did I get your attention? I hesitate to write an article that would say, “The exciting world of Quest Kids!” because I feel many would just ignore reading it by saying, “Well, I don’t want to teach kids so I don’t need to read this.” I’m asking you to please read and prayerfully consider serving. Even if you have never before considered…

Hey Questers – Guess What?? 

Next week we have a team leaving on our first Quest mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  We will help the Evangelical Free Church (FeG) of Bonn in hosting an American Sports camp.  The camp will be attended primarily by non-believing teenagers from the inner city.  Our German brothers and sisters want to share the Love of Christ with these youngsters and their…

God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday…

What You Need to Know as We Move In

You guys! We’re moving in! THIS WEEKEND! How awesome is that? While this is a super exciting time, we wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of a few things… First of all, the address is 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040. No building is perfect, even with all the latest and greatest updates, there are imperfections. Our building is an ongoing project, so please…

Women’s Summer Bible Study

Ladies, are you looking for a Bible study to get involved in this summer? Molly Rayner is leading a Wednesday morning study that will be starting up June 8th. It’ll go from 9:30-11:30am. The dates that they’ll meet are June 8,15, 22, 29 and July 6,13, 20, 27. The group will meet at Maria Coomes’ home. Plus, there will be childcare available. What…

Project Dignity

We just completed our trip to Anse-a-Galet, LaGonave, Haiti, but the work there continues.  Let me explain… we successfully assembled the trusts and put them into place. We also were able to get the sheet metal roof and guttering installed.  We couldn’t have completed our task without the help of several Haitian men.  And, while we returned home, those men are continuing…

A New Season

This past Sunday, the congregation of Quest took a decisive and unique step that will impact our future in a profound way.  A step like this is always a little ‘awkward’ as the process of making decisions is sometimes a bit complicated.  In this case, the Elders presented the congregation with an opportunity; they did their homework as throughly as possible and…