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Ministries (Page 6)

New Resolutions for 2017

Turn the page, a New Year is upon us…Welcome 2017!  With the arrival of the New Year, we often reflect on life and the past year.  We then turn to the future and come up with our list of New Year’s resolutions. I am going to eat healthier. I am going to exercise more. I am going to read more and watch…

Thrive Baby Shower 2017

Quest has been partnering with Thrive STL for many years. Each year, we hold a baby shower collection to help stock the shelves of Thrive’s Parent University store. Parent University is a course that Thrive’s prospective parents can take to learn the many ins and outs of parenting. Throughout the course, they earn Thrive bucks that they can later be used to buy baby supplies…

Women’s Winter Bible Study

We have a women’s Bible study that will be starting up on Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm. It’s a Beth Moore study: Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. This study has been going through the fall, but it’s a great time to jump in because they’ll be going through the second part of the study – Words of Prophecy. The study…

For God So Loved the WORLD

The past few weeks during this advent season, we’ve discussed John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. It is one of the foundational verses reflecting God’s purpose and God’s plan.  For His glory, He sent Jesus to save the world because He so loved…

Who Likes to Go Camping?

Camping. That word brings about many feelings for a lot of people. Some people love it… some people hate it. Most people around here do it as a “get-away.” Some people think that staying at a Holiday Inn is “roughing it.” However, about 25 miles east of here, there are many people that don’t get the choice – they’re homeless, so camping is…

Serve St. Louis Reflection

We enjoyed beautiful weather and had success at all of our projects at Serve St. Louis 2016.  That Saturday morning, the skies were an amazing blue with soft, light clouds drifting by. Volunteers gathered together throughout the St. Louis area to take on the task they signed up for. There seems to always be a little bit of energy, a buzz, that stirs as…

Hurricane Matthew’s Effect on WISH in Haiti

It always amazes me to see how God works through His people, His ambassadors.  At least, when I take time to notice it.  God is at work every day here, and all around the world.  But, life gets busy with family, work, chores and to do lists.  This can pull me away from the eternal joy and peace of being a follower…

Haiti Feeding Program *Update*

Our Quest Kids raised money over the summer to help support the feeding program in Haiti that Quest has partnered with. The congregation was challenged to meet what the kids gave, and once again, you all went above and beyond expectations. Together, we collected $1,672.56. That’s 4,779 meals. The program proves meals for 180 kids per day… we’ve helped provide 27 days of…

Fall 2016 BLTs

It’s that time of year again! BLTs (Belong, Learn, Transform) are gearing back up to kick off in September. If you’re interested in this unique small group experience, now is the perfect time to “on-ramp” into a group. However, we understand that schedules and family needs change, so now would also be a great time to “off-ramp” from your current BLT if the…