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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Ministries (Page 3)

*NEW* College Care Package Ministry

When college students move away from home, the transition can be easier for some than others. Quest wants to help support our college Questers and keep them connected by sending birthday cards and care packages around finals time. It’s a great opportunity to show our college students that, even though they’re away from home, they’re still a part of the body of…

*NEW* Meal Train & Transport Ministry

Our *NEW* Meal Train and Transport Ministry is designed to come alongside Questers in times of need. Are you or your spouse sick, injured or recovering from surgery or a birth? Would a few meals help to lighten the load you’re carrying? Do you need to get somewhere like a doctor’s appointment and can’t drive yourself or don’t have a ride? Let…

Soldier’s Wish List Needs

To make the Soldier’s Wish List Serve St. Louis project happen, we need donations of items to fill the care packages. You’ll find the needs and details below… Serve St. Louis: Soldier’s Wish List Donation Needs We will be making 81 care packages and need goodies to fill them! We Need Large Quantities of the following: Protein Bars (like Clif Bar brand) Drink mixes…

Let Your Light Shine

For those of us that like to hunt, we know that we have to get up really, really early to get to our spot in the woods.  We also know that we want to get to our spot in the woods as quietly as possible because we don’t want to stir up the critters.  Now, I don’t know how many of you…

Serve St. Louis 2017

You’ve probably seen the save the date alerts about Serve St. Louis over the last couple of weeks. Serve St. Louis is a city-wide, multi church weekend event where people get out and help… they Serve St. Louis. There are loads of projects hosted by multiple churches from around the area. Quest is organizing four different project opportunities this year. Community Garden…

BLTs Starting up in September

BLTs will start the week of September 17th and will meet every other week through December. Check with your BLT leaders for their exact meeting schedule because they are subject to some changes at time. If you’re not in a BLT but would like to be, please check out the list below and see which BLT(s) may work best for your schedule.…

Fall Bible Studies

Men’s Study Wednesday mornings at 6:15am at The Wolf in Ballwin. Led by Kevin Hughes. Starting Wednesday, September 20th, the guys will be starting a new video series from Chip Ingram, “God as He Longs for You to See Him.” We’ll have another study coming at you later this fall on Friday mornings. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer…

Haiti Mission 2018

For several years now, Quest has been taking teams of people to Haiti to come alongside WISH and help with various projects. One year, we built a house for a Haitian woman, one year we built a new building for the feeding program, last year we built a pavilion for their youth center. These are only a few of the projects that…

Random Thoughts As Summer Comes To A Close

Prayer is powerful. Not that you don’t do it already, but it’s a great time to make a commitment to be praying specifically for your children, grandchildren and Quest Kids and all the things they will face this year. Have you considered picking out a blessing verse for each child that you can say over them each day as they head out…