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Message Series (Page 4)

Reach… Compassion

One dimension of the Christian life and the essentials of the ‘gospel’ (the good and all encompassing message of God to mankind) involves a heart felt compassion for the brokenness of people.  The lifeblood of ‘reaching out’  is a heart that beats with understanding these essential elements of God’s design and purpose in this world.  If the ‘gospel’ is reduced to a…

Important Info

Sometimes I am amazed at how applicable (and, frankly, how profoundly important) something is in my circumstances that I accidentally run across.  It felt that was last week as I prepared for our Sunday worship service.  I had chosen to utilize John 17 as the text for three weeks of our focus on Prayer.  This particular prayer of Jesus was the one…

ReFocus on Find Your Focus… especially on Prayer

Easter is now over (at least the celebration), and we are left to live in light of the reality of Jesus life, death, resurrection and eventual second coming.  If we actually embrace those realities, then our lives have to include some very distinctive implications.  Life is not just a random set of events that get strung on the necklace of survival.  Life…


Part of our being ‘equipped’ for a life of maturity is understanding that God has gifted us with His grace expressed in and through us.  Each of us has been designed and wired with a uniqueness that was His doing.  That uniqueness is expressed in all sorts of ways (you personality, your physical appearance, your passions, your interests, etc.).  One of those…

Equipped and Gifted

We have been focusing on what it means to be equipped… in other words… what does it means to be outfitted to take the ‘quest’ or adventure called the Christ filled life?  It has been exciting to see that being equipped is not a skills-based idea.  Equipped means to become mature and increasingly transformed into the image of Christ and His character.  We…

Equipping to Maturity

This week we will shift our “focus” onto Equipping.  For many of you that might sound a bit boring… however I will suggest it actually might be one of the most exciting things we could do at this point in life of our church and in your own personal lives.  The heart of equipping is to help every person be effective and…

Find Your Focus

As we face the last day of 2015 we are also facing the first of 365 days in 2016.  As a result we all anticipate what the New Year will bring with it for our lives.  There will be situations and circumstances that we could never have anticipated and many times could never have prevented.  On the other hand we can also…


Prayer… it may just be the most ignored dimension of our spiritual lives.  Let’s face it, for many people, prayer seems like either a waste of time or (at best) a passing effort to exercise faith.  Until we recognize that prayer is our heart and gut level response when we recognize the inadequacy of life without God in the picture, it will never be…

Gear Up: Equip

The next few laps of the life of Quest will involve us Gearing Up in four areas of life and ministry.  First is the aspect of ‘belonging’, which is a need for every human on planet earth… a place to sit together under the authority of Christ, a place to sit together and care for one another and a place to invite…

Belonging Translates into Being Equipped

In the last three weeks, we have seen from I Corinthians that three aspects of BELONGING are… Embracing the fact that we all ‘sit on the bench rowing together’ as equals under the Lordship of Christ… that He is the only captain of this ship called “the church.”   That we all sit on that bench together, arranged and organized by the…