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Message Series

Suit Up

Conflict, warfare, battles… it feels like much of our world is consumed by way to much of these things!  It is one of the harsh realities that we live with internationally, nationally and locally.  There are a million wonderful things in our world that we ought not to forget about and enjoy, but I find so many people being discouraged and disillusioned…

Five Truths About the Holy Spirit

As we continue our look at the Holy Spirit as He moves among us “Like The Wind” there are numerous things that I want you to know and wrestle with. One of the resources I have found helpful are articles written by various Christian teachers and pastors. Below you will find one by Alistair Begg (I wish I had his accent) that…

Like the Wind: A Series on the Holy Spirit

On the heels of the amazing events of Jesus cruxifixction and resurrection, He spent 40 days instructing His followers concerning things associated with the kingdom of God.  At the end of that period of time, He ascended into heaven while His followers watched from the top of the Mount of Olives just east of Jerusalem.  Now, for the first time, the disciples…

Easter: It’s No Joke… Because it is True!

Let me list a bucket full of things that you might consider when thinking through the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection… because without the resurrection Christianity has no legs to stand on. In fact, the apostle Paul told us that if what we believe is not actually true we should be the most pitied and despised people on earth for having propagated a…

Pray Without Ceasing

Prayer is a meaningful dialogue with a God who is there, about things we cannot control, but over which, He is sovereign… a sovereignty that is undisputed in His compassion, as well as His authority. In the closing thoughts of the first letter the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica, we find two of the shortest verses in the entire…

Dry, Safe Roads

It is all a matter of PERSPECTIVE… how you see the situation always determines how you behave in it.  Everyday we move in one direction or another determined by how we perceive the situation and the surrounding circumstances.  Late last night (a cold and rainy night here is St. Louis), I was driving on a semi-rural road thinking that it was dry…

Back to Perspective

Welcome to 2018 and welcome back to Perspective… a serious look at what Paul wrote to the believers in Jesus in Philippi…a letter we call Philippians. Much of fall 2017 found us looking at this letter together and seeing if anything that Paul thought was critically important for them might also be relevant for us.  Fortunately, we found all sorts of things…

Core Qualities in Christmas

Beyond all the hoopla of Christmas, and beyond all the turmoil of our world, there are divine qualities that endure and enrich the human experience.  This year, we’re focusing on four of these qualities as we approach Christmas Day. I am convinced that these qualities are the very thing that can use to make sense of all the hoopla as well as…