Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!


Being Connected

One of the most important parts of life is to be connected.  There are numerous dimensions to ‘being connected’ that enrich our lives. Two of those dimensions that I would like to touch on this week have to do with church membership and baptism. I will have to be honest with you that writing about these two things seems a little strange…

Membership Class

Membership here at Quest is somewhat informal, but at the same time very serious.  We do not push membership very aggressively.  An attender of Quest is welcome to be a part of the ministry at all sorts of levels and in many very significant roles.  In fact, we don’t like to make membership a dividing line between people.  We simply want people…

2017 Annual Business Meeting

The business of the church is to celebrate the incredible work that God is accomplishing in, through, around and in spite of us. It would be a crime to degrade that sort of celebration by arguing and debating our pet peeves. As a result, we are going to try and reveal as many things as we can concerning God’s magnificent and purposeful…

The Cost of Membership

Membership: to be a member who enjoys all the rights and accepts all the responsibilities of being a participant of a particular organization. Most of us probably have a membership with a number of organizations or stores that offers us a variety of privileges, as well as responsibilities. You may be a member of a country club or a warehouse store.  Maybe…

Membership with a Different Flavor

Membership with a different flavor… it is more like a partnership… it’s even more like a family. In a few weeks (March 26th, 12 noon till 2 pm), we will be offering a ‘membership cornerstone/seminar/class’ for anybody that would like to consider becoming an “official” member of Quest.  Let me throw out a few thoughts for you to chew on concerning ‘membership’:…


Next week we will have an opportunity for you to attend our #1 Cornerstone Class: Membership.  Our Cornerstone classes are designed to clearly and concisely outline who Quest is (#1), who you are (Cornerstone #2), how you can fit who you are into who Quest is (Cornerstone #3),  and how you can be a servant leader in the ministry of Quest (Cornerstone…

Annual Meeting Celebration

10 AM this Sunday morning will be our 1st Annual Congregational Business Meeting / Celebration.  For two reasons, this meeting may be a little different than many or most of the church business meetings you have been to before. First, we actually don’t have a ton of ‘business’ to accomplish.  Our Constitution outlines six specific things that the congregation has authority over…

Town Hall Meetings (in August) and the Annual ‘Business’ Meeting (September 13th)

Let me put some thoughts in context for you…..the context of the recently adopted Bylaws of our church… The Bylaws of Quest Evangelical Free Church (aka- Quest Church… short Quest) Article 1: Church Government Section 1: Statement of Government A.  Ultimate authority in this church shall reside in the Members of the congregation in the sense that they alone shall approve each…

Town Hall Meetings: Facility and Budget

Before our Annual Meeting in September, we want to give everyone a chance to get more detailed information about a couple of topics: facility and budget. There will be two chances for each meeting on facilities and budget, so hopefully you’ll be able to find a time that works for you to come and hear more detailed information about where Quest is…

We Are Official!

Congrats to all of you Questers (the unofficial title for those who make Quest their church home and family)… as of March 2nd, Quest has been received into the Evangelical Free Church of America by delegates at the annual conference in Des Moines from the churches throughout the Central District. We officially join hundreds of other Free churches in the district, and nearly…