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Advent Conspiracy 2021

Advent Conspiracy has been a Quest Christmas tradition since our beginning. It is a Christmas movement to help take the focus off getting things at Christmas and putting it on the goals of spending less, giving more, loving all and worshiping fully. Giving is part of our worship to God, trusting Him with our extra to use toward furthering His Kingdom. This…

Like the Wind: A Series on the Holy Spirit

On the heels of the amazing events of Jesus cruxifixction and resurrection, He spent 40 days instructing His followers concerning things associated with the kingdom of God.  At the end of that period of time, He ascended into heaven while His followers watched from the top of the Mount of Olives just east of Jerusalem.  Now, for the first time, the disciples…

It’s No Joke… He has risen!

It is both a ridiculous and an incredible thought that Jesus rose from the dead… resurrected on the third day after having died from an excruciating torture and execution.  I assume you are like me in that you have not ever seen someone resurrect from death three days after dying.  I have read about people being resuscitated after apparently dying, but never…

Easter: It’s No Joke… Because it is True!

Let me list a bucket full of things that you might consider when thinking through the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection… because without the resurrection Christianity has no legs to stand on. In fact, the apostle Paul told us that if what we believe is not actually true we should be the most pitied and despised people on earth for having propagated a…

It’s No Joke

I don’t think it is an overstatement to say that the resurrection of Jesus stands as the most important event in all of human history.  I know that is huge statement, and it may seem very “Christian-syntric”.  However, as we look at the world and all of its complications and sophistications, with all of its tensions and conflicts, and with all of…

The Most Full Time of the Year

The most Wonder[FUL]… The most Peace[FUL]… …and now The most Hope[FUL]… To all of these, we say “really?” Are you kidding? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Have you read the news lately? Have you watched the news? Have you listened to the radio? Have you talked with your neighbors? Have you talked with your kids? With all of…

Setting Aside Time for Advent Planning

It’s no secret that families are often spread thin, so the idea of making time for a daily Advent activity at CHRISTMAS time sounds like total insanity. However, Christmas is such a special time of year, especially for our little ones, that we want to help make this easier. Our society has slowly taken Christmas and turned it into something it was…

Prodigal: Which Road Are You On?

Jesus tells a triad of stories, recorded in Luke chapter 15, that reveal the depth of God’s love for people… all people… even people who are hard to love or may not seem like they deserve love.  Each of these parables, that Jesus tells, are aimed at exposing the heart of the religious elite of His day.  It is these religious elite…

Days of Implications

This week, known as the Passion Week, will be celebrated and observed by billions of people around the world.  It is culminated on Sunday with Resurrection Day… the day Jesus rose from the dead.  There will be thousands upon thousands of reenactments of the scene of a stone being rolled away from a tomb that is empty, except for the grave clothes…