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From Kevin (Page 9)

Belonging Translates into Being Equipped

In the last three weeks, we have seen from I Corinthians that three aspects of BELONGING are… Embracing the fact that we all ‘sit on the bench rowing together’ as equals under the Lordship of Christ… that He is the only captain of this ship called “the church.”   That we all sit on that bench together, arranged and organized by the…

It’s Check-Up Time

Check-up… that brings to mind a visit to the doctor to do things and talk about things that we would rather not do nor talk about… but it would probably be really good for us. Sometimes a simple test can reveal something really important. What is true of our physical health can be true of our spiritual health as well. That is…

Get Ready to Gear Up

This Sunday, we will begin a journey together of addressing our theme of GEAR UP.  That theme will involve us looking at four dimensions of ministry that are vitally important in the next twelve months of the life of Quest.   First, we will wrestle with our profound need for connection and our need to BELONG.  We were created relational beings with…

Annual Meeting Celebration

10 AM this Sunday morning will be our 1st Annual Congregational Business Meeting / Celebration.  For two reasons, this meeting may be a little different than many or most of the church business meetings you have been to before. First, we actually don’t have a ton of ‘business’ to accomplish.  Our Constitution outlines six specific things that the congregation has authority over…

Church is a Pool Party

Last year we proclaimed that Church is a Party!!! This year we are going one more step to proclaim that Church is a Pool Party!!!! If you remember last year, we reflected on the reality that Church is supposed to be a people and a place where people are celebrated because they have inherent value because they are the object of God’s affections.…

BLTs – Belong, Learn & Transform

Wouldn’t it be fun to be part of the baseball Cardinals team?? I think it would be fun to be part of the Cardinal organization in any capacity! Just by living in St. Louis and the mid-west region, we are a part of Cardinal Nation! Being a part of something meaningful is something we all want. In fact, we are designed to…

Town Hall Meetings (in August) and the Annual ‘Business’ Meeting (September 13th)

Let me put some thoughts in context for you…..the context of the recently adopted Bylaws of our church… The Bylaws of Quest Evangelical Free Church (aka- Quest Church… short Quest) Article 1: Church Government Section 1: Statement of Government A.  Ultimate authority in this church shall reside in the Members of the congregation in the sense that they alone shall approve each…

When The Rains Come… Again

The Post-Dispatch recently reported,   St. Louis’ rain totals for June came in at historic levels. Measurements taken at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport had 13.14 inches for the month. That’s about nine inches above normal.”   Some forecasts suggest the rest of the summer will have above normal rain also. We had no idea that this would be true when we titled our series on…

As We Wrap Up Daniel

This week, we will wrap-up our examination of the first six chapters of the Old Testament book of Daniel. I have been stunned at how applicable and relevant these chapters have been to the time and place in which we live. There are growing strains in our day and age as to how God fits into the schemes of life. We live…

An Apology and Retraction

I owe you all an apology and a retraction of something I said a few weeks ago on Sunday morning in our worship service. During a time of reflecting on a series of unfortunate events in the world, our culture and in the Christian church sub-culture, I reported that Pope Francis had made a statement during a Vatican speech equating the Koran…