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From Kevin (Page 6)

Scandalous Love

There is something scandalous about love no matter what, and the love of God is the most scandalous of all.  His love is a love that absorbs, on Himself, the brokenness and shame of our lives, rather than hold them against us.  The condition of the human soul is a tragic mess, covered by a thin veil that tries to pass us…

Hosea Launches This Week

Scandalous Love… sounds like we are standing in line at the grocery store and scanning the tabloid headlines!  Those magazines can be tantalizing, but probably not ones you admit to reading.  They are just a little to salacious. It is strange, but God’s Word: the Bible, is full of scandal and things that seem salacious.  The book Hosea, is one of those.  It is…

Quest “Bookstore”

If I were to boil down my library of books to the ones that have made the most difference and the highest impact in my life, there would be a dozen or so.  They would cover a variety of subjects, but the most important ones have addressed the deepest issues of the human heart – a heart that is capable of amazing…

What does it look like to love?

What does it look like to love?  That is one of the three things we will be focusing on during this next season of ministry along with ‘building inroads to our community’ and ‘giving the ministry away to the people’. I don’t know how that question hits you, but I know how it hits me.  One one level the question seems so…

Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am

Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am Annual Business Meeting… doesn’t sound like much fun does it? …but that is a travesty.  The ‘business of the church’ ought to be one of the most compelling and exciting things on the face of the planet.  Really, the redemptive work of God in the lives of people should be the most captivating idea…

Town Hall Meetings

Town Hall Meetings:  August 29th and 30th, 7 pm on the Lower Level of our new building. We invite you and encourage you to join the Elders at one of the two Town Hall Meetings coming up on August 29th (Monday) and 30th (Tuesday).  These meeting are designed to both inform you of the important issues our church is facing while also…


In a few weeks we will be celebrating what we have come to affectionately call our Baptism Palooza.  It started as a creative way to facilitate baptisms as we were meeting in the temporary confines of Crestview Middle School where it was impossible to do baptisms by immersion in a ‘pool’ of water. Graciously Thomas and Fredda-Lois Loafmann offered their home and…


Next week we will have an opportunity for you to attend our #1 Cornerstone Class: Membership.  Our Cornerstone classes are designed to clearly and concisely outline who Quest is (#1), who you are (Cornerstone #2), how you can fit who you are into who Quest is (Cornerstone #3),  and how you can be a servant leader in the ministry of Quest (Cornerstone…


Outreach… I don’t know what comes to your mind when you hear the word outreach thrown around in relation to the church and ministry, but I think most people are a little reluctant.  Outreach can feel like something you have to do to people you don’t know, concerning something they have not necessarily expressed an interest in, at a time that is…

Who Are You???

This summer, we are wrestling with the nature, character and identity of God.  It sounds exciting and interesting.  It also sounds a bit crazy.  How can we, as finite men and women, engage a solid answer to our question of ‘who is He’, an infinite God?  That could sound impossible or at best it could seem profoundly difficult to make practical to…