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From Kevin (Page 5)

Fear of the Storm

We have been asking the question of ‘What does it looks like to love?’ for the past several months.  I trust that the significance of that question and its ‘descriptions’ have begun to infiltrate your heart and your daily experiences.   This past week, we saw in I John 4 that “mature love cast out fear,” for fear is caught up in the potential of punishment.  As followers of…

Membership with a Different Flavor

Membership with a different flavor… it is more like a partnership… it’s even more like a family. In a few weeks (March 26th, 12 noon till 2 pm), we will be offering a ‘membership cornerstone/seminar/class’ for anybody that would like to consider becoming an “official” member of Quest.  Let me throw out a few thoughts for you to chew on concerning ‘membership’:…

Seeing Love From the Vantage Point of an Expert

There are times in life when we really need the perspective of an expert.  These are invaluable people that help us understand a particular circumstance or situation.  And thankfully there are people out there who are experts on all sorts of issues that we can take advantage of. When it comes to the issue of love, there may be experts out there…

love LIFE

Without the hope and trust that God is actually still sovereign in the day to day realities of our world, we could easily descend into despair, worry, fear and discouragement.  There are so many stark situations all around us that makes it easy for us to lose sight of the beautiful things in life.  Granted, we live in a really broken and, at…

Christmas Eve 2016

On Saturday evening, we will join millions of Christians from around the world in celebrating the birth of Christ on the eve of His birthday.  The heart of our celebration will focus on the fact that in the midst of a world in conflict and in darkness, He came to offer light and hope.  On the occasion of Jesus birth, He was…

First Love: Christmas 2016

Who or what is your first love?  If we were to ask this very simple question of God Himself the answer would be crystal clear… His first love are those who are made in His image… mankind… men and women… boys and girls… the elderly… the middle aged… the young adult… students… kids… and even the unborn.  We are His first love.…

Why is Quest so Obsessed with ‘Community’ ???

We all live in community, a community, in fact we probably all live in numerous communities.   There is the community where we live and the people who live around us.  Sometimes we know them well, and sometimes we don’t. There is the community where we work and the people we interact with at work and through work.  Sometimes we know them…

Preparing Our Hearts for the Giving of Thanks

Preparing our hearts for the giving of thanks… it is not only a beautiful American Tradition rooted in the Elizabethan English that founded a colony in the New World early in the 17th century, but it is a profound quality of the people of God in every century of human history.  No doubt that life is riddled with difficult things day in…

What Does it Look Like to Love Our Community?

What does it look like to love our community? Well, the answer to that question is not complicated but it could look like a million different things… depending on what God provides for us to do on any given day or in any given circumstance.  Each of us will have opportunities day in and day out – IF we keep our eyes…

A Time of Prayer Together

I would like to invite you all to join together on Sunday, November 6th (two days before the elections), from 5-6 pm in the Lower Level of our new building to PRAY… not primarily for the elections however! Our focus will be to pray for our church and the churches throughout the United States.   While it is very important that we pray for…