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From Kevin (Page 4)

A Challenge, An Encouragement, An Exhortation

I would like to challenge you to take an adventure with one another on a quest toward God.  I really want to encourage you to consider it seriously.  Actually I want to strongly exhort you to join the people of Quest in spending 40 days looking at, wrestling with and absorbing God’s heart as revealed in Psalm 119-134. In ancient Israel, every…

Annual Business Meeting… Sunday morning August 27th… for a worship service?????

The idea of doing our Annual Church Business Meeting on a Sunday morning as our worship service seems a little strange to most people, especially people who have been around ‘church’ for many years.  Church ‘business meetings’ are typically seen as boring, contentious and unnecessary by most people.  Unfortunately, all to often, these perceptions are grounded in experiences that have been boring,…

The Cost of Membership

Membership: to be a member who enjoys all the rights and accepts all the responsibilities of being a participant of a particular organization. Most of us probably have a membership with a number of organizations or stores that offers us a variety of privileges, as well as responsibilities. You may be a member of a country club or a warehouse store.  Maybe…

Love’s Joy and Sorrow, Beauty and Burden

As we engage and deal with all the relationships in our lives, we find both ends of the spectrum: joy and sorrow. Walter Trobisch, a European author and pastor, once wrote that learning to love in our relationships, …is anxiety and contentment, it is deep yearning and hostility, it is pleasure and pain, there is not one without the other.  Happiness is…

Relationships – #The Struggle Is Real

This summer, we are trying to address the area of relationships in our lives.  On one level, this focus could be seen as some pretty light weight stuff.  We could be talking about the fluffy and idealistic Disney type things of Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty finding love and living happily ever after.  Unfortunately, that story (and others like it) are actually…


At the end of the day and when all else fails, our most significant disappointments in life are usually something that is connected with our key relationships. We can survive employment failures.  We know that eventually we will not be able to maintain our athletic abilities, at least not at the same level that we are used to.  We even realize that…

Pastoral Training in Haiti

I just arrived in Haiti today, Tuesday, May 16th.  It was a long day as our flight left the ground at Lambert at 6am, sharp. There was a one hour lay over in Miami and then on to Port Au Prince, the bustling capital of Haiti, just as a Tropical storm was moving over the mountains surrounding the city from the south.…

Celebrating when lost things are found…

Luke chapter 15 gives us insight into the heart of God.  It reveals that God, and all of heaven, are thrilled when people turn toward God, Himself.  Now, let’s be honest… we usually don’t turn toward God until we are between a rock and a hard place.  It is at the dead ends of life that we begin to consider God as…

Prodigal: Which Road Are You On?

Jesus tells a triad of stories, recorded in Luke chapter 15, that reveal the depth of God’s love for people… all people… even people who are hard to love or may not seem like they deserve love.  Each of these parables, that Jesus tells, are aimed at exposing the heart of the religious elite of His day.  It is these religious elite…

Days of Implications

This week, known as the Passion Week, will be celebrated and observed by billions of people around the world.  It is culminated on Sunday with Resurrection Day… the day Jesus rose from the dead.  There will be thousands upon thousands of reenactments of the scene of a stone being rolled away from a tomb that is empty, except for the grave clothes…