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From Kevin (Page 3)

Back to Perspective

Welcome to 2018 and welcome back to Perspective… a serious look at what Paul wrote to the believers in Jesus in Philippi…a letter we call Philippians. Much of fall 2017 found us looking at this letter together and seeing if anything that Paul thought was critically important for them might also be relevant for us.  Fortunately, we found all sorts of things…

Four Enduring Qualities for Christmas

This year we have been wrestling around with four qualities that are obvious, or embedded just under the surface, in the events surrounding Jesus’ birth a few years ago (ok… a lot more that a few years ago).  All four of these qualities are transcendent – meaning they are not limited to the capacity of mankind, but are defined by the majesty…

The Most Full Time of the Year

The most Wonder[FUL]… The most Peace[FUL]… …and now The most Hope[FUL]… To all of these, we say “really?” Are you kidding? Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? Have you read the news lately? Have you watched the news? Have you listened to the radio? Have you talked with your neighbors? Have you talked with your kids? With all of…

Core Qualities in Christmas

Beyond all the hoopla of Christmas, and beyond all the turmoil of our world, there are divine qualities that endure and enrich the human experience.  This year, we’re focusing on four of these qualities as we approach Christmas Day. I am convinced that these qualities are the very thing that can use to make sense of all the hoopla as well as…

Four Qualities of Christmas that are Easy to Miss

Christmas 2017… once again one of  “high holy seasons” is upon us: Christmas.  It is interesting that Christmas was not even a ‘thing’ celebrated in Christian churches until the 336 AD, when the Emperor Constantine institutionalized it as official in the Roman Empire.  The incarnation of Christ was certainly understood and celebrated by Christians prior to that, but the ‘platforming’ of it…

What are the things you do everyday?

In our fast-paced lives of the early 21st century, there are many things that seem to get squeezed into the corners of our daily rhythms. These important, yet ignored, rhythms include exercise, solitude, rest, meditation, memorization, etc.  One of the most important spiritual rhythms in life is that of prayer.  We just don’t seem to have time to pray.  It gets the…

How Do You See It?

It depends on how you see it.  Everything hinges on whose vantage point you trust.  It is a matter of PERSPECTIVE. We live in a world where we try to make sense out of what sometimes seems senseless.  That is an understatement in light of the tragedy that took place in Las Vegas this past Sunday night, October 1st.  We live in…


Perspective is defined as: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.  If there were ever a time for people to develop and maintain a healthy perspective, it’s now.  We live in a world that seems to have danger around many of the corners of our lives.  It would be easy to want to escape or deny all…

2017 Annual Business Meeting

The business of the church is to celebrate the incredible work that God is accomplishing in, through, around and in spite of us. It would be a crime to degrade that sort of celebration by arguing and debating our pet peeves. As a result, we are going to try and reveal as many things as we can concerning God’s magnificent and purposeful…

Relationships… #The Struggle Is Real

This Sunday, we will be wrapping up a three month (12 week) series on relationships that we called, The Struggle Is Real.  I have been surprised, disappointed and stunned by how many people have commented to me that they can’t wait for this series to be finished.  I didn’t know exactly what the problem was, so I inquired if the topic was boring…